Brain Powerd is a Japanese anime television series created by Sunrise. It features mecha designs by Mamoru Nagano, character designs by Mutsumi Inomata, and music by Yoko Kanno. The story revolves around a future Earth that has been devastated by earthquakes and floods. A group of researchers must use mecha called 'Antibodies' to find the disc plates of an alien spacecraft called 'Orphan' in order to revive it, even though doing so would result in the destruction of all lifeforms on Earth. The main characters, Yu Isami and Hime Utsumiya, utilize a special Antibody called 'Brain Powerd' to stop the plans of the Orphan researchers and save humanity. The series aired from April to November 1998 and has also been adapted into a manga and light novels. It has been compared to Neon Genesis Evangelion and was directed and written by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of Gundam. The English-dubbed version of the series premiered on Animax and was later released by Bandai Entertainment.