Desert Coral


Desert Coral is a manga series by Wataru Murayama. It takes place on the fantasy world of Orgos, where the main character, Naoto Saki, is summoned by the sorceress Lusia. Naoto, who had previously visited Orgos in his dreams, gains a body and becomes visible to everyone in the world. Naoto is initially unwelcome among Lusia's group, known as Desert Coral, but their attitude gradually changes over time. The group's purpose is to destroy the Elphis, a sadistic semi-immortal race that lives in the superior levels of Orgos. It is later revealed that Naoto had visited Orgos as a child, using it as a means to escape the reality of his little sister's death. The world of Orgos is a dream created by Naoto, and it is discovered that Lotus, Lusia's older brother, is trying to steal the world from Naoto. Along with Naoto and Lusia, other important characters include Epsilon, Levinas, Camu, and Euro. The manga series has been published in multiple languages and has received positive reception.