Gunsmith Cats


Gunsmith Cats is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kenichi Sonoda. It follows the adventures of young women fighting crime in Chicago. The protagonist, Rally Vincent, operates a gun shop and works as a bounty hunter, assisted by her housemate Minnie May Hopkins. Rally is skilled in combat shooting and driving, while May is an explosives expert. The series also features characters like Misty Brown, a lock-picker, and Becky Farrah, a source of information on the underworld. Rally faces enemies like the gangster leader Gray and the manipulative Mafia figure Goldie Musou. The story is influenced by American gun-action movies. Gunsmith Cats was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon magazine from 1991 to 1997, and a sequel series called Gunsmith Cats Burst was released from 2004 to 2008. The manga was adapted into a three-part anime, and the first episode was released in North America in 1996. The anime was well-received for its lighthearted approach and accurate portrayal of the city. Gunsmith Cats has been praised for its storytelling, action-packed scenes, and attention to detail in cars and weapons.